Rita Kueber
You have a story and you want to tell the world. But where to begin? I can help you with that. Because no matter what format we use - from ink on parchment to the social media channels we use now and will use in the future, it all comes back to telling the story; telling your audience all about you.

Where to Place the Feng Shui Elements in Your Home (House Digest)
Valarie Falvey shares her experience, perspective on today’s weddings
3 Factors that may kill your real estate transaction
Cleveland Houses a Part of Ukraine
The Alesci Family Celebrates 50 Years of Traditional Food & Service
Architecture vs. Design - What's the difference?
The right lighting for your home. (Psst - your house doesn't have enough light inside!)
A recent article in Cleveland Magazine - all about local wineries! Look for Cask 307, Vino Veritas, Maize Valley and the Winery at Chateau Hough.
US News 360 Reviews - Paycheck Ratings... a B2B dive into best solutions for businesses large and small. Look for my entries on Square, Paychex and Namely.
I also write about the arts and local non-profits.
Who can resist reading about 'happily ever afters?'... love talking with brides, pandemics notwithstanding.

About Me
Me? I've been a freelance writer (yes, paid) for many years, covering non-profit special events, creating personal profiles, general articles and features on homes, decorating, women in business and more. In "real life" I have a marketing/public relations/communications background and I've worked for architects, anchors, archivists, actors, administrators, advisers, and that's only the A's. My work as a generalist has given me a well-rounded background and a keen interest in a wide variety of topics. Contact me. How can I help you?